Professional Upgrade - Decorus

Upgrade to Professional

Find out why so many users are upgrading

Decorus for Sage Professional


With the introduction of Sidekick, you have the ability to set up diary alerts, 2-way integration with outlook emails, faster transaction postings and automated back up’s.  You can also create a workflow process for work orders to track each stage of a job, including an approval process. With the invoice module, you can automatically create and send electronic invoices to multiple companies with one click.


You can change module descriptions to suit your business set up. Decorus Professional gives you the ability to select columns and create user views enabling you to create more refined views.  This allows you to have a more comprehensive reporting function to then export to Microsoft Excel.

Planning & Overviews

Additional workflow processes for properties and jobs allow you to plan your workload more efficiently.  With more refined user permissions, you can restrict users from been able to add, edit or delete records in certain modules. The occupancy report helps you monitor any vacant properties and the overall rent lost.

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